- Know how to use extended access-lists in distribute-lists, see Brian McGahan @INE article.
- Know how to use extended access-lists instead of prefix-lists, see Brian Dennis @ INE article.
- Know your binary voodoo as Scott Morris @ INE calls it, Part I & Part II.
- Dont forget to allow IGP’s, BGP, Multicast , IPv6 and any other needed protocols when adding ACL to a interface.
- Know when to use the “established” keyword.
- When matching Multicast traffic in a extended ACL, remember that Multicast traffic can NEVER be a source.
- Allowing Telnet to a local router on a port other then 23: Option 1- Rotary command or Option 2- Port NAT.
- NBAR can be used if you not forbidden from using ACL’s. You can also map undefined custom ports with “ip nbar port-map custom”
- Dynamic ACL time-outs specified in the acl: “dynamic NAME timeout {x} permit tcp any any eq 80″.
- When configuring SSH, don’t forget to specify a Domain-name and generate your RSA keys.
- “no service config” – Disables the router from auto-answering for tftp config files
- WCCP uses udp port 2048 and protcol 47-GRE
- If talk about router discovery > IRDP
- DNS server config : “ip dns server” & “ip host”
- DNS client config : “ip domain-lookup” & “ip name-server”
- DHCP stands for Dont Hit Computer People
- DHCP option-82 = dhcp-relay.
- DHCP option-66 = Hand out IP address off TFTP server
- When configuring DHCP and earlier in the swithcing section you configured DHCP snooping you must enable the port connecting to the DHCP server as trusted.
- Incase DHCP was configured you need either “no ip dhcp snooping info option” on the switch OR “ip dhcp relay information trust” on the dhcp router.
- HSRP timers only need to be configure on one of the participating routers.
- HSRP uses UDP port 1984.
- When using HSRP with earlier configured port-security, you might need to allow you HSRP MAC 0000.0c07.acxx – where XX is the group number in hex.