- DHCP on a frame interface : “frame-relay interface-dlci 555 protocol ip″
- When asked to disable INARP, be sure to do so on physical interfaces any multipoint sub-interfaces.
- If you see frame mappings, save your config and reload.
- The backup command can NOT be used on FR physical interfaces. (no way to detect when back up)
- Back-to-Back frame connections, disable keepalives with “no keep”
- LMI keepalives sent every 10 seconds. This interval can NOT be changed.
- LMI Full Status Updates are requested every 60 seconds. CAN be changed with “frame lmi-n391dte”.
- To ping local interface IP, add a mapping for local IP with any valid DLCI.
- To do “?” in authentication password, use either ESC-Q or CRTL-V.
- If two routers both using CHAP has the same hostname “no ppp chap ignoreus” is required.
- “ppp authentication eap” can be used as alternative to chap when md5 needed.
- “ppp link minimum” – amount of links required for a MLP bundle to up.
- With CHAP and PAP, know which side is the client and who is authenticating who!
- Know PPPoFR, MLP, and the mix combination formats
By CCIE 24163