To install TestOut 640-802 you need to 1st have 640-801 installed (I have tested this out on Windows 7 x64).
73 Training Videos | 51 Demonstrations | 74 Section Quizzes | 63 Lab Simulation Exercises | 146 Written Lessons | 592 Exam Questions
Hands-on Labs
The CCNA certification exam includes performance-based questions that require you to complete switch and router configuration or troubleshooting tasks. For this reason, you will not be able to get certified without hands-on experience. TestOut LabSim for CCNA fully prepares you for the certification exam by giving you practice in a virtual environment using our patented online labs.
Here are many of the tasks you will practice:
- Configure basic device settings (hostname, passwords, banners)
- Configure CDP settings
- Enable and disable switch ports
- Configure and enable router interfaces
- Configure a wireless client
- Configure router serial interfaces
- Configure VLANs, trunking, and VTP
- Configure spanning tree
- Secure routing traffic using access lists
- Configure and troubleshoot routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP)
- Configure Frame Relay (static, point-to-point, multipoint)
- Configure NAT
So this is made for Windows XP 32Bit But i have it working on Windows 7 64Bit.
Instruction to bypass activation/login:
1. Attain, do a full to hdd install and update old TestOut Training (eg. 640-801). It will install by default folder to C:\Program Files\TESTOUT
2. Extract the Provided ISO files/folders in a new folder (eg. c:\CCNA-640-802)
3. Copy & overwrite these 5 folders from c:\CCNA-640-802 folder to C:\Program Files\TESTOUT(Glossary, Outlines, Questions, Resources, Sims)
4. Rename XML file in Outlines folder from i.e. (new)****cle.xml to ccna3cle.xml (ie.C:\Program Files\TESTOUT\Outlines\ccna3cle.xml)
6. Run the program. Please note that you will still see the old product name under
Available Products within TestOut Navigator, however once you press start, CCNA 640-802 would be shown. Simulations might not work unless you have .Net Framework 2.0 or above. Look in the setup folder of the CD under \Setup\redist\dotnet20 directory
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Excuse me !!! what link have the right archive, because everything is down.
Could you upload the file again. Broken link.