In this post, I will show you how to emulate Cisco ASA using GNS3. Just follow me, ASA will work on XP, WIN-7, Vista.
Step 1 - Download GNS latest GNS3.0.7 not 7RC1 | Download
Step 2 - Download files from this link | Download
Step 3 - Configure in GNS3.0.7
Edit –> Preference –> Qemu –> ASA
Initrd –> asa.gz (Its unpacked file)
Kernel — > vmlinuz
kernel cmd Line –> -append auto nousb ide1=noprobe bigphysarea=16384 console=ttyS0,9600n8 hda=980,16,32
Start ASA. After that QEMU will start. minimize QEMU. and open console.after that do these step
Affter i do this command
modprobe e1000
ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth1 up
ifconfig eth2 up
ifconfig eth3 up
ifconfig eth4 up
ifconfig eth5 up
cp /asa/bin/lina /mnt/disk0/lina
cp /asa/bin/lina_monitor /mnt/disk0/lina_monitor
cd /mnt/disk0
if interface not than change
Qemu –> ASA
NIC: pcnet
Hope it will help you.
PS: There is the video, watch and configure yours ASA. | Download