The following Quick Learning Modules are focused on a specific lesson or topic from the current BGP curriculum.
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Introducing BGP Confederations
This QLM describes the function of confederations in a BGP environment. After completing this lesson, you should be able to:
· Describe iBGP full-mesh requirements when using a transit AS.
· Explain how to use BGP confederations to split an autonomous system into a series of smaller autonomous systems.
· Describe autonomous system path propagation in BGP confederations.
· Explain autonomous system path attribute processing in an autonomous system that contains BGP confederations.
· Explain the properties of intraconfederation eBGP sessions.
Introducing Route Reflectors
Upon completing this lesson, you should be able to:
· Describe the function of route reflectors in a BGP environment:
· Explain the need for BGP route reflectors in BGP transit backbones
· Explain how route reflectors modify traditional IBGP split-horizon rules
· Explain the benefits of deploying redundant route reflectors
· Explain how route reflector clusters prevent loops in the deployment of route reflectors in redundant configurations
· Describe additional route reflector mechanisms designed to prevent routing loops
Understanding BGP Path Attributes
Upon completing this module, you should be able to do the following:
· List BGP path attributes and the functionality of each attribute
· Describe the concept of BGP path attributes
· Explain the difference between mandatory and discretionary well-known BGP attributes
· Explain the difference between nontransitive and transitive optional BGP attributes
· Describe the functionality of the AS-path attribute
· Describe the functionality of the next-hop attribute