Everyone who want to take the certification exam, request your AT materials here. Just post the exam code. If the requested material is available, I’ll upload it. Good luck! If you want…
Month: May 2009
CCIE R&S Mock Lab3
The Topology is shown below:
Cisco 6509 Online Lab
The Topology diagram is shown below:
Cisco PIX Firewall Lab Online
The Topology diagram is shown below:
CCNP BSCI (642-901) Online Lab
The Topology diagram is shown below:
CCNP BCMSN (642-812) Online Lab
The Topology diagram is shown below:
CCNP BCMSN(642-812) Lab – STP(New)
Acme is small export company that has an existing enterprise network comprised of 5 switches; CORE,DSW1,DSW2,ASW1 and ASW2. The topology diagram indicates their desired pre-VLAN spanning tree mapping. Previous configuration attempts have…
CCNP Composite(642-892) Hotspot 3 – OSPF
There is a hotspot question in the CCNP Composite 642-892 exam. The company and the company network have both been growing rapidly. Multiple adds, moves and changes have been applied to the…
CCNP Composite(642-892) Hotspot 2 – Spanning Tree
There is a hotspot question in the CCNP Composite 642-892 exam.