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How To Install Cisco Call Manager Express CME SoftwareThe Cisco Call Manager Express (CME) software (its new name is Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express) provides IP Telephony services that run on Cisco Integrated Services routers (such as 1800, 2800, 3800 family series). I will start a series of posts in this blog about IP Telephony, starting today with the installation of CME on a supported Cisco router. The CME software can be downloaded from (login required) and you can install it on the router flash. You need to download the CME software (comes as a single .zip compressed file) that is appropriate for the specific router IOS image you are intended to use. The ZIP file contains several individual files and several TAR archives. The individual files can be copied to flash using the regular “copy tftp flash” command and the TAR archives can be copied and extracted to flash using the “archive tar” command (more details later).The recommended files that you need to install are the following:
After you download the .zip CME software file from Cisco, uncompress the file on a local TFTP server. You will get several individual files and several TAR archives. We assume the TFTP server is at and has access to the CallManager router. For individual files: Use the regular copy command to transfer the file from TFTP to the router's flash: Example: Router# copy tftp:// flash: For TAR archive files: Use the archive command to transfer the files and extract them at the same time to the router's flash: Example: To transfer the Basic Files tar archive (cme-basic-3.0.3.tar) to callmanager router: Router# archive tar /xtract tftp:// flash: After all required files are installed, use the “show flash” command to list the files installed on flash memory. Source from: |
Post date: 2009-04-21 11:47:08 Post date GMT: 2009-04-21 03:47:08 Post modified date: 2010-07-23 13:15:51 Post modified date GMT: 2010-07-23 05:15:51 |
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