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[OFFER] CBT Nuggets - Cisco CCNA Exam-Pack (Audio Book) MP3

I am sharing the audio extraction from CBT Nuggets' CCNA Exam-pack. Perfect tagging and lossless quality in MP3 format @320kbps. Jeremy Cioara is the instructor.
Enjoy and please seed!!
Jeremy Cioara - CBT Nuggets – ICND1 Tracklisting
1. Jeremy Cioara - [55:02]
2. Jeremy Cioara - Advanced TCP-IP - IP Subnetting Part 2 [22:27]

3. Jeremy Cioara - Advanced TCP-IP - IP Subnetting Part 3 [19:51]
4. Jeremy Cioara - Advanced TCP-IP - Working with Binary [25:49]
5. Jeremy Cioara - Basic TCP-IP - Addressing Fundamentals [39:40]
6. Jeremy Cioara - Basic TCP-IP - TCP and UDP Communication[23:18]
7. Jeremy Cioara - Basic TCP-IP - Understanding Port Numbers[17:15]
8. Jeremy Cioara - Foundations - Living in the OSI World [43:27]
9. Jeremy Cioara - Foundations - What is a Network [35:29]
10. Jeremy Cioara - LANs - Configuring Switch Security Part1[37:04]
11. Jeremy Cioara - LANs - Configuring Switch Security Part2[18:59]
12. Jeremy Cioara - LANs - Initial Setup of a Cisco Switch [35:00]
13. Jeremy Cioara - LANs - Optimizing and Troubleshooting Switches[31:40]
14. Jeremy Cioara - LANs - Understanding LAN Switches [19:43]
15. Jeremy Cioara - LANs - Understanding the Physical Connections[18:15]
16. Jeremy Cioara - LANs - Welcome to Ethernet [22:29]
17. Jeremy Cioara - LANs - Working with the Cisco Switch IOS[29:12]
18. Jeremy Cioara - Last Words for Test Takers [07:27]
19. Jeremy Cioara - Management and Security - File Management[20:09]
20. Jeremy Cioara - Management and Security - Telnet, SSH and CDP[28:45]
21. Jeremy Cioara - Routing - Implementing Dynamic Routing with RIP[40:43]
22. Jeremy Cioara - Routing - Implementing Static Routing [37:29]
23. Jeremy Cioara - Routing - Initial Router Configuration [31:04]
24. Jeremy Cioara - Routing - Internet Access with NAT and PAT[24:39]
25. Jeremy Cioara - Routing - SDM and DHCP Server Configuration Part 1[32:03]
26. Jeremy Cioara - Routing - SDM and DHCP Server Configuration Part 2[20:00]
27. Jeremy Cioara - Routing - WAN Connectivity [27:36]
28. Jeremy Cioara - The Tale of Two Packets [20:45]
29. Jeremy Cioara - Welcome To Cisco [35:23]
30. Jeremy Cioara - Wireless - Understanding Wireless Networking[34:22]
31. Jeremy Cioara - Wireless - Wireless Security and Implementation[29:25]
Playing Time.........: 14:44:48
Total Size...........: 2025,84 MB
Jeremy Cioara - CBT Nuggets – ICND2 Tracklisting
1. Jeremy Cioara - Access-Lists - Configuring ACLs Part1 [34:37]
2. Jeremy Cioara - Access-Lists - Configuring ACLs Part2 [48:39]
3. Jeremy Cioara - Access-Lists - The Rules of the ACL [27:42]
4. Jeremy Cioara - Advanced TCP-IP - IP Subnetting Part 1 [55:02]
5. Jeremy Cioara - Advanced TCP-IP - IP Subnetting Part 2 [22:27]
6. Jeremy Cioara - Advanced TCP-IP - IP Subnetting Part 3 [19:51]
7. Jeremy Cioara - Advanced TCP-IP - Working with Binary [25:49]
8. Jeremy Cioara - Certification - Some Last Words for Test Takers[13:09]
9. Jeremy Cioara - General Switching - Troubleshooting and Security Best Practices[29:21]
10. Jeremy Cioara - IPv6 - Configuring, Routing and Interoperating[23:34]
11. Jeremy Cioara - IPv6 - Understanding Basic Concepts and Addressing[33:57]
12. Jeremy Cioara - NAT - Command-line NAT Configuration [35:38]
13. Jeremy Cioara - NAT - Understanding the Three Styles of NAT[19:58]
14. Jeremy Cioara - Review - Rebuilding the Small Office Network Part1[33:51]
15. Jeremy Cioara - Review - Rebuilding the Small Office Network Part2[28:43]
16. Jeremy Cioara - Review - Rebuilding the Small Office Network Part3[23:34]
17. Jeremy Cioara - Routing Protocols - Distance Vector vs Link State[26:23]
18. Jeremy Cioara - Routing Protocols - EIGRP Concepts and Configuration[32:26]
19. Jeremy Cioara - Routing Protocols - OSPF Concepts [30:33]
20. Jeremy Cioara - Routing Protocols - OSPF Configuring and Troubleshooting[39:51]
21. Jeremy Cioara - Subnetting - Understanding VLSM [18:41]
22. Jeremy Cioara - Switch STP - Configuring Basic STP [21:14]
23. Jeremy Cioara - Switch STP - Enhancements to STP [29:52]
24. Jeremy Cioara - Switch STP - Understanding the Spanning -Tree Protocol[28:16]
25. Jeremy Cioara - Switch VLANs - Configuring VLANs and VTP Part 1[35:56]
26. Jeremy Cioara - Switch VLANs - COnfiguring VLANs and VTP Part2[39:34]
27. Jeremy Cioara - Switch VLANs - Understanding Trunks and VTP[39:05]
28. Jeremy Cioara - Switch VLANs - Understanding VLANs [16:07]
29. Jeremy Cioara - WAN Connections - Concepts of VPN Technology[33:18]
30. Jeremy Cioara - WAN Connections - Configuring Frame Relay[30:50]
31. Jeremy Cioara - WAN Connections - Implementing PPP Authentication[34:37]
32. Jeremy Cioara - WAN Connections - Understanding Frame Relay[28:40]
Playing Time.........: 16:01:26
Total Size...........: 2201,25 MB

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Post date: 2012-04-10 11:09:57
Post date GMT: 2012-04-10 03:09:57
Post modified date: 2012-09-29 09:07:26
Post modified date GMT: 2012-09-29 01:07:26
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