This page was exported from Free Cisco Training & Resources - Certification Exam Preparation [ ] Export date:Wed Mar 5 18:33:05 2025 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: BCMSN Lab3 - Configuring L2 & L3 EtherChannel with LACP --------------------------------------------------- 【Lab Objectives】 1. Master the configuration methods of the Cisco-proprietary LACP link aggregation protocol. 2. Master the differences between the Layer2 LACP configuration and the Layer3 LACP configuration. 3. LACP is the public standard link aggregation protocol. 【Lab Topology】 【Lab Steps】 1.This lab uses two Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series Switches and connects the cables of the appropriate switches according to the topology. 2. It is recommended to set the interfaces Fa1/0/1 – 22 in shutdown status in order to assure the lab of success. 3. As the working property of LACP is similar to that of PAgP, this lab only lists the configuration commands of LACP, the detailed information will be given in the lab: Configuring L2 & L3 EtherChannel with LAC 4. Configure the Layer2 LACP link aggregation on SW1 and SW2: SW1(config)#interface range fastEthernet 1/0/23 - 24 SW1(config-if-range)#channel-protocol lacp SW1(config-if-range)#channel-group 1 mode active Creating a port-channel interface Port-channel 1 SW1(config-if-range)#exit SW2(config)#interface range fastEthernet 1/0/23 - 24 SW2(config-if-range)#channel-protocol lacp SW2(config-if-range)#channel-group 1 mode passive SW2(config-if-range)#exit 5. Check the summary information of LACP on SW1 or SW2: SW1#show etherchannel summary Flags: D - down P - in port-channel I - stand-alone s - suspended H - Hot-standby (LACP only) R - Layer3 S - Layer2 U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregator u - unsuitable for bundling w - waiting to be aggregated d - default port Number of channel-groups in use: 1 Number of aggregators: 1 Group Port-channel Protocol Ports ------+-------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------- 1 Po1(SU) LACP Fa1/0/23(P) Fa1/0/24(P) SW1# 6. Configure IP address of VLAN1 on SW1 and SW2 to test , and you are recommended to use the extended ping command to test the tolerance of the aggregation link. SW1(config)#interface vlan 1 SW1(config-if)#ip address SW1(config-if)#no shutdown SW1(config-if)#exit SW1(config)# SW2(config)#interface vlan 1 SW2(config-if)#ip address SW2(config-if)#no shutdown SW2(config-if)#exit The information of the Ping command is as follows: SW1#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: .!!!! Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms SW1# 6. Delete the previous Layer2 LACP configurations and restart the switches 7. Configure the Layer3 LACP link aggregation on the two switches. SW1(config)#interface port-channel 1 SW1(config-if)#no switchport SW1(config-if)#ip address SW1(config-if)#no shutdown SW1(config-if)#exit SW1(config)# SW1(config)#interface range fastEthernet 1/0/23 - 24 SW1(config-if-range)#no switchport SW1(config-if-range)#channel-protocol lacp SW1(config-if-range)#channel-group 1 mode active SW1(config-if-range)#exit SW2(config)#interface port-channel 1 SW2(config-if)#no switchport SW2(config-if)#ip address SW2(config-if)#no shutdown SW2(config-if)#exit SW2(config)# SW2(config)#interface range fastEthernet 1/0/23 - 24 SW2(config-if-range)#no switchport SW2(config-if-range)#channel-protocol lacp SW2(config-if-range)# SW2(config-if-range)#channel-group 1 mode passive SW2(config-if-range)#exit SW2(config)#exit 8. Check the summary information of the aggregation link: SW2#show etherchannel summary Flags: D - down P - in port-channel I - stand-alone s - suspended H - Hot-standby (LACP only) R - Layer3 S - Layer2 U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregator u - unsuitable for bundling w - waiting to be aggregated d - default port Number of channel-groups in use: 1 Number of aggregators: 1 Group Port-channel Protocol Ports ------+-------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------- 1 Po1(RU) LACP Fa1/0/23(P) Fa1/0/24(P) SW2# SW1#show etherchannel summary Flags: D - down P - in port-channel I - stand-alone s - suspended H - Hot-standby (LACP only) R - Layer3 S - Layer2 U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregator u - unsuitable for bundling w - waiting to be aggregated d - default port Number of channel-groups in use: 1 Number of aggregators: 1 Group Port-channel Protocol Ports ------+-------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------- 1 Po1(RU) LACP Fa1/0/23(P) Fa1/0/24(P) SW1# 9. Use the ping command to test: SW2#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: .!!!! Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms SW2# 10. End. Hope to helpful for you! --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2009-04-02 16:25:33 Post date GMT: 2009-04-02 08:25:33 Post modified date: 2010-07-23 00:54:28 Post modified date GMT: 2010-07-22 16:54:28 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Export of Post and Page as text file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from