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CCIE Cisco IOS Features SNMPThe eight-hour hands-on lab portion of the CCIE certification exams is the most rigorous part of becoming CCIE certified. These videos will give you problem-solving knowledge, techniques and confidence to solve scenarios like those given on the exams. Meant to compliment our Cisco CCIE Certification Package, trainer Jeremy Cioara goes through a networking scenario in real-time with you. He starts at setup, then covers diagnosing the problem, implementing an effective solution and debugging along the way. Because the videos follow Cioara through the problem solving process in real-time, it is easy to learn the thought processes behind his techniques for identifying and solving network problems. By understanding why he solves problems in the ways that he does, you'll be better at coming up with your own solutions for new problems that you come across. These videos map to the exam objectives for the CCIE lab exam, but they are just as useful on the job as on the exam. With the knowledge contained in these videos, you will become better at running networks, whether you are preparing for CCIE certification or not. SNMP is an application-layer protocol that provides a message format for communication between SNMP managers and agents. SNMP provides a standardized framework and a common language used for the monitoring and management of devices in a network. The SNMP framework has three parts: The SNMP manager is the system used to control and monitor the activities of network hosts using SNMP. The most common managing system is called a Network Management System (NMS). The term NMS can be applied to either a dedicated device used for network management, or the applications used on such a device. A variety of network management applications are available for use with SNMP. These features range from simple command-line applications to feature-rich graphical user interfaces (such as the CiscoWorks2000 line of products). Download | Size: 144 MB [This hidden password content is only available for our VIP member]. Become VIP Member NOW |
Post date: 2011-02-11 09:00:00 Post date GMT: 2011-02-11 01:00:00 Post modified date: 2011-02-11 09:00:00 Post modified date GMT: 2011-02-11 01:00:00 |
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