This page was exported from Free Cisco Training & Resources - Certification Exam Preparation [ ] Export date:Wed Mar 12 15:46:10 2025 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: How to study for CCNA FREE --------------------------------------------------- I Prepared This Document to help those who are financially strapped but are really willing to work hard to learn about Cisco Technologies.  I have already Passed CCNA, BSCI,BCMSM,BCRAN [Although Expired] .  Additionally I am Network+, A+ , INet+, Microsoft, Novell, Linux and OS/2 Certified, for those of you that have been around that should tell you  How long I have been in IT –:) Know what Topics are on the test. 640-802 CCNA® Exam Topics (Blueprint) THOSE NEW TO CISCO--------> READ the EXAM Topics atleast 5 times, So you know what you are getting yourself into. I like to find out as much information about a subject as I can, So additionally I will be looking at ICND1 and ICND2 Exam topics also. ICND1 Topics Here: ICND2 Topics Here: USE THE FOLLOWING LINKS TO FIND MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ANY TOPIC YOU WISH TO STUDY Every CISCO Certified person should know how to use the CISCO website to find information. Anytime you want to Research for a topic go to (A MUST) Hint: There are two search Engines on the page. Don't Forget to Use to search for more information for any topic you want to know more about. You can read the free books or free online Books linkS I provide to study. IF you wish to know more about a topic just click on one of the links  I provided on the subject. Knowing how to use the Cisco router is a must. USE the free simulator links I provided to practice, so you can pass the hands on portion of the test. The Following CCNA ICND TIPS are FROM Things to Know About CCNA / ICND Exams: 1. CCNA ICND is comprehensive The Cisco CCNA ICND exams cover a large variety of topics from basic TCP/IP knowledge to routing protocols and spanning trees. In other words, it's a tough exam because it covers so much. It is important that you do well on the ICND because most of it serves as the basis for all other Cisco CCNA track exams, and so it is important that you respect the breadth of information that this test covers. 2. CCNA ICND is practical The ICND exam is not the kind of test where only “book smarts” will come into play. Simply put, you need to be able to use the information you learn and apply it to a real-world network troubleshooting issue. For example: knowing that IP is an unreliable service is one thing – solving a communications error between two nodes over IP is quite another. 3. ICND is short Think you can handle 45-60 questions in 75-90 minutes? You better be able to in order to excel on the ICND test, which tests candidates rapidly in their knowledge on all things Cisco networking. Pacing and speed are both major issues in the test as is appropriate test preparation. At the same time, the CCNA ICND exam covers many real-world situations, which are may be complex to understand without adequate time. 4. ICND is marketable Passing the Cisco CCNA ICND exam doesn't just open up the CCNA path to candidates. It also allows you to market yourself as a true networking expert with more knowledge and skill than your non-certified peers, allowing you to really stretch out your skills and your opportunities. Three Myths About Cisco Exams Should You Take The Single or the Two Exam Approach To CCNA? Tips For Taking the CCNA Exam First, read the questions SLOWLY. Many vendors love to write questions for folks who read too fast. Most exams provide sufficient time in which to finish them. Take your time! Many mental mistakes are made by people who rush through the questions. Second, don't forget the process of elimination. I am amazed at how many times that I've been able to "guess" the correct answer simply because I knew that the other suggested answers could not possibly be right. Typically, you will be able to easily eliminate all but two of the correct answers (or one, if you are fortunate enough). Then you can focus your mental energy on the remaining two. What To Expect At The Testing Center CCNA Test Center Guide Home Lab Shopping On Ebay If you find any Good Free Links on any topic, Please E-mail me CCIE_TOBE@YAHOO.COM  So far 5000 views and  only one person has sent any links. Free CCNA BOOKS CCNA Books Internetworking Technology Handbook By Can be read online or downloaded a chapter at a time as pdf file. Online CCNA Tutorials eBook CCNA Version 5-Draft By Matt Basham Ciscotests.Org Free Online CCNA Course CooL  Ios Commands E-book CCENT Prep Center FREE Training Videos How to Reset or Recover your Lost Cisco Router or Switch Password CompTIA Network+ 2009 Training by Ed Liberman Learn about the various network devices that you will encounter in today's networks and how to use them. TCP/IP & Networking Fundamentals Training by Ed Liberman Learn TCP/IP theory and the important networking concepts including the OSI model, IP addressing, binary numbers, IPv6 and more. Cisco CCNA Training by Chris Bryant This 3 part video series covers Advanced Switching, Static Routing and RIP, and OSPF providing you with over 7 hours of hands-on CCNA training. TrainSignal Videos - Very Good video series. CBTNUGGETS VIDEOS – Very good video series. I recommend Purchasing both the cbtnuggets and the TrainSignal videos if you can afford them. If however you cannot by any means afford either one, Go to for ICND1 or for ICND2, goto Browse through the available Videos, and select one or 2 Video based on any CCNA topic you feel you need more explanation on then go to Sign on for a trial subscription. The trial subscription will allow you to view any videos on the website for up to 1 hour. Free Router Simulators Free CCNA Lab Simulator / A free CCNA simulator. Another Free Simulator Dynamips FREE SIMULATION CCNA Simulator – Packet Tracer 5.2 Simulator – Boson NetSim for CCNP 7.06(Crack) (here you will find how to set up the idle values) / (this is great for configuring Dynamips and labs) Using Dynamips to Set up a Virtual Cisco Lab Getting dynamips is's a freeware router simulation program. Installing dynamips is not so easy. This tutorial helps bridge that gap as well as pointing out additional freeware apps you will need and links to labs. Free Router Simulator Trial With Free Lab Free access to actual lab Read this thread As you Learn about a topic, Dont forget to make a quiz so you can test yourself later. Please Upload & SHARE with us any quiz you make. If you make a Good Quiz for one topic, then someone else can make another quiz for a different topic. Free Practice Study QuizMaker - QUIZ 3.4.3 QUIZ  is a free study tool. You can train a Topic by collecting questions in a  file and then answer them repetitively. With Quiz, you can build and  administer objective tests using either Multiple Choice or  fill-the-blanks questions. More then one correct answer is allowed. It  is possible to build timed tests and even add sounds or graphics to quiz  items. Sample tests on Bible knowledge, Greek, or Hebrew are included.  Quiz files may be printed. You may set a general time limit (optional), allow to skip questions, etc. Free Cheat Sheets Sheets for remembering things by Jeremy Stretch. Topics Included: VLANs , Subnetting , Spanning Tree, QOS, Physical Terminations, OSPF , IS-IS , IPv6, IPv4, Multicast, IPSec , EIGRP, Common Port Numbers, Cisco IOS Versions, BGP, Access Lists, MPLS 802.1x HSRP, VRRP, GLBP, IOS Versions, 802.11 Wireless (New) --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2011-01-28 08:25:00 Post date GMT: 2011-01-28 00:25:00 Post modified date: 2011-01-28 08:25:00 Post modified date GMT: 2011-01-28 00:25:00 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Export of Post and Page as text file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from