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Pass4suere Discount Madness - Save you 20% to 100%!

Pass4sure, the world-renowned IT certification material provider, will conduct May Day mad discounts, up to 100% OFF on hundreds of high-quality IT training materials.

As May Day is approaching, to celebrate this special holiday and above all to express gratitude to customers, Pass4sure will release a big sales promotion from May 1st to May 15th 2010. The mad discounts with mad numerous kinds of discounted and FREE products will be presented to all customers, old and new.

All these products like IBM, Cisco, Oracle, HP, and Nortel are the most professional and updated as ever! Pass4sure staff is assured that all customers will return with satisfaction since products will be listed within several discount zones including 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 90% OFF and a FREE zone. The up-to-100% discounts apply to Q&A, Study-Guide, Preparation-Lab and Value Pack of each subject listed, and products within the free zone can be downloaded at pleasure!

Further, by taking part in this promotion, a premium cash voucher will be provided for next order which is valid for three months and can be used after this promotion. With every $100 of purchase, the customer can get a $20 cash voucher, and so on. That is to say, if a customer purchases $100-199.99 products, he will get a $20 cash voucher. If the total expenditure amounts to $200-299.99, he will get a $40 cash voucher. Likewise, if the total expenditure totals $1000-1099.99, he will get a $200 cash voucher…

“Success of Pass4sure is attributed to trust and support of all customers all the way,” said Bowen Wood, Direct of Software Development Center, Pass4sure, “The mad discounts aim to express our genuine gratitude. We hope all customers will enjoy themselves in this shopping spree and wish them all success!”

Committed to providing high-quality products with the best service, Pass4sure's essential aim is to help all customers achieve success. With this May Day Mad Promotion, Pass4sure wishes and believes all customers will smooth the way for dream by relishing their favorite products at extremely Low Cost EVER and even FREE!

Post date: 2010-04-30 17:56:47
Post date GMT: 2010-04-30 09:56:47
Post modified date: 2010-04-30 17:56:47
Post modified date GMT: 2010-04-30 09:56:47
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