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Full Version - Packet Tracer v5.2.1 Application + Tutorials

Packet Tracer version 5.2.1 is a maintenance release that includes new functionality and fixes known problems in Packet Tracer version 5.2. While there are no curricula requirements that make it necessary to move to version 5.2.1 for CCNA Discovery, CCNA Exploration or CCNA Security, you may want to upgrade to the new version to take advantage of the improvements included in this release.

Packet Tracer 5.2.1 supports activities authored in Packet Tracer 4.0, 4.1, 4.11, 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2.
Packet Tracer 5.2 has been replaced by Packet Tracer 5.2.1 and is no longer available for download.

Please note that the last two courses of the CCNA Discovery and CCNA Exploration curricula require Packet Tracer version 4.11 at a minimum, and CCNA Security requires versions 5.2 at a minimum.
The curricula are fully compatible with Packet Tracer 5.2.1

You can download both the Packet Tracer application and tutorial files in one download package.
However, due to the large file size it is faster to download the application by itself, if that is all you need.


1. Packet Tracer v5.2.1 Application + Tutorials
This is the complete Packet Tracer program including tutorials as a single downloadable package for Windows 2000, XP and Vista.

2. Packet Tracer v5.2.1 Application only

This option is just the Packet Tracer program and the help files for Windows 2000, XP and Vista. It does not include the tutorial files. The tutorial files are not necessary to run Packet Tracer.

3. Packet Tracer v5.2.1 Application + Tutorial Linux-Ubuntu
This is the complete Packet Tracer program including tutorials as a single downloadable package for Ubuntu release 7.10.

4. Packet Tracer v5.2.1 Application only Linux-Ubuntu
This option is just the Packet Tracer program and the help files for Ubuntu release 7.10. It does not include the tutorial files. The tutorial files are not necessary to runPacket Tracer.

5. Packet Tracer v5.2.1 Application + Tutorial Linux-Fedora
This is the complete Packet Tracer program including tutorials as a single downloadable package for Fedora release 7.

6. Packet Tracer v5.2 Application only Linux-Fedora
This option is just the Packet Tracer program and the help files for Fedora release 7. It does not include the tutorial files. The tutorial files are not necessary to runPacket Tracer.

7.Packet Tracer v5.2.1 Application + Tutorial Generic
This is the complete Packet Tracer program including tutorials for generic Linux distributions with kernel versions 2.6 and above.

8. Tutorial Addon for Packet Tracer 5.2.1 Windows
This download is the Windows tutorials only. There is no Packet Tracer program or help files included in this download.

9. Tutorial Addon for Packet Tracer 5.2.1 Linux
This download is the Linux tutorials only. There is no Packet Tracer program or help files included in this download.

10. Advanced Tutorials for PT 5.2.1

Includes tutorials for Activity Wizard Intermediate, Advanced, Physical Mode, and advanced QOS visualization (not included in the original Tutotrial Add-on packages).

11. Instructions for adding Advanced Tutorials to PT 5.2.1
Instructions for adding Advanced Tutorials to PT 5.2.1

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Post date: 2010-01-27 15:45:03
Post date GMT: 2010-01-27 07:45:03
Post modified date: 2010-07-08 16:00:22
Post modified date GMT: 2010-07-08 08:00:22
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