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CCNA 640-802 Bible - Calculate and Apply VLSM IP Addressing Scheme
A: B: C: D: E: Correct Answers: D Explanation: For a single point to point link, only 2 IP addresses are required, one for the serial interface of the router at each end. Therefore, the subnet mask is often used for these types of links, as no IP addresses are wasted.
A: 1024 B: 2046 C: 4094 D: 4096 E: 8190 Correct Answers: C Explanation: The maximum IP subnets and maximum hosts are determined by subnet mask bit-count, the current assigned IP address is,the subnet bit-count is 20,so the maximum number of hosts allowed on this LAN subnet is (32-20=12) maximum number=2^12-2=4096-2=4094
A: B: C: D: Correct Answers: C Explanation: This question is to examine the VLSM knowledge. VLSM can increase the bits of network number by borrowing part of the host number based on the classes of IP address. 1.How many subnets will be produced by the subnet mask you select? 2X-2: (subnet masks are often represented in dot-decimal form, usually a block of ones (1) followed by a block of 0s) x represents the mask bit, that is the block of ones (1). 2.How many hosts are available for each subnet? 2y-2 : y represents the host bit, that is the block of 0s. 1.The valid subnets: the valid subnet number=256-10 decimal subnet mask(block size or base number) 4. The broadcast address for each subnet is broadcast address=next subnet number-1 5. The valid hosts for each subnet are addresses except all zeros and all ones. The last valid host address=next subnet number-2 (broadcast address-1) In order to satisfy the needs of this question, the mask is 32-4=28 to accommodate 12 hosts ( that is 24 =16). Because the address range used by is 32-27=5, 25 =32 till, the new subnet must begin from 96.
A:Network A - B:Network A - C:Network A - D:Link A - E:Link A - F:Link A - Correct Answers: B, D
A: /30 B: /30 C: /18 D: /22 E: /22 F: /18 Correct Answers: D, E
A: 8 subnets, 31 hosts B: 8 subnets, 32 hosts C: 16 subnets, 30 hosts D: A Class B address can't be subnetted into the fourth octet. Correct Answers: C Explanation: Subnets: 1) New Subnet Mask - Original Subnet Mask 2) 27 - 23 = 4 3) 2^4 = 16 So is 16 subnets. Hosts: 1) 32 - New Subnet Mask 2) 32 - 27 = 5 3) 2^5-2 = 30 So is 30 hosts per subnet. |
Post date: 2009-07-16 15:31:43 Post date GMT: 2009-07-16 07:31:43 Post modified date: 2010-07-22 23:11:59 Post modified date GMT: 2010-07-22 15:11:59 |
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