Effective October 19, 2009 Cisco CCIE Routing and Switching v4.0 certification exams are now available in all VUE testing locations worldwide. Both the written and lab exams have been refreshed with new questions covering MPLS and VPN networking. The written exam includes new scenario-based questions. The lab exam now requires hands-on troubleshooting of preconfigured networks, in addition to configuration. Exam duration and pricing will remain the same, with the two-hour written exam at USD $350.00 and the eight-hour lab at USD $1400.00.
Number of Questions: 77
Required Passing Score: 790
Time Allotted: 2 hours
Question Types: Single Response-Multiple Choice, Multiple Response-Multiple Choice, Drag and Drop, Scenario (Flash Based)
Overall Level of Difficulty: Easy
Exam Sections:
- Evaluate proposed changes to a network
- Implement Layer 2 technologies
- Implement Layer 3 Technologies
- Implement IP Multicast
- Implement Advanced Services
- Troubleshoot a Network
- Optimize the Network
Compared to the previous versions of this exam, Cisco has solved one of the major issues with it – time. The previous version featured 105 questions that were to be solved in 2 hours.
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Thanks in advanced.